Konsep Bauran Pemasaran [Marketing Mix] : Definisi dan Evolusi Faktor Bauran Pemasaran [ Marketing Mix]

Understanding Bauran Pemasaran [Marketing Mix].
"The marketing mix is ​​a set of marketing tools that a company uses in the market to achieve its marketing objectives." (Marketing management, 1997).
According to Menurut Kotler (1997: 92), the marketing mix is ​​the set of marketing tools that an organization uses to achieve its marketing objectives in a target market. Yang Kurang Lebih means Bauran Marketing is a set of marketing tools used by the company to change the object of marketing in the goal of passing yang dituju.
According to Stanton (1978), Bauran Pemarangan (marketing mix) is a combination of 4 variables or activities that are the main part of a company's marketing system: product, price, sales promotion and distribution .
Ada banyak alat pemarangan, McCarthy mempopulerkan pembagian kiat pemarangan dalam 4 (empat) factor yang mebutan from the four hymns: product, price, place and promotion ”(quoted in Kotler, 1992: 92).

The four marketing strategies are briefly explained as follows:
1. Production (production) adalah rye pesutsang yang beguru kepada masyarakat untuk dilihat, takada, dilibil atau consumption. Product range, quality, design, features, brand, packaging, dimensions, services, warranties and returns.
2. Price (Harga), Yaitu sumaman ung yan Consumer barar untuk membeli produk or mengati hal milik produk. The price includes the final price, the discount, the repayment, the repayment period, the terms of the loan and the retail price.
3. Making the product produced / sold available and accessible to the target audience (tempatu), various company functions. Provide information on channels, coverage, classifications, location, inventory and transportation.
4. Promotion (promotion), yaitu warangal kejiatan perusahan untuk mengkomunikasikan ve product pada passar taraan is promoted. Dynamic promotion includes sales promotion, advertising, sales, public relations and direct marketing.
Also called dynamic promotion or relationship marketing (Koter, 1997: 604).
A. Advertising, yaitu semua way of presenting ideas, impersonal and advertising objects, yasa oleh sponsor yang bikinak dengan mataat payatan.
B. Sales promotion is the best option.
in Learn more about public relations and outreach programs, individual programs.
And. Private sale, yaitu internoksi langsung antar satu or le bih kalon kulpershi dengan tujuan do mendahan.
And. Direct Marketing You can use direct marketing services.

Bauran marketing evolution factor [Marketing mix]
You can get information on product, price, location, promotion (4P) . Lovelock and Wright (2002: 13-15) transform the marketing mix into an integrated service management using the 8P approach .

Product components, location, cyberspace and time, promotion and training, pricing and other user costs, processes, productivity and quality, people and physical evidence.

1. Product components adalah semua kompones dari performance servicean yang rikshatan nilai bagi kuantan.
2. Space, cyberspace and time Adalakh Keresatan Manejang Menenge Kapan, Dimana, Dan Bagiman Manyajanan Servian Jan Byk Kepada Kepanta.
3. Encouragement and education adalah semua activitiya komunikasi dan dinninga semperat untuk membujang perceptizi kansilan yang yang yang perusanakan atas serviceanan yang yang yang persanaya berikan.
4. Prices and other user fees also apply to the Service.
6. Performance and quality. Productivity is the degree to which efficiency adds value to home and customer services, while quality is the degree to which more services are provided to customers and efficiency is the degree to which it changes. Home services.
7. The people involved in production and service (service production) are customers.
8. Physical evidence is the necessary tool to provide the service with the right quality product.

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